remote work

Looking in rear view mirror

A Look Back at Which Predictions Came True in 2021

In 2021, cybercriminals took aim at critical infrastructure with ransomware attacks on Colonial Pipeline, JBS and others. They also continued to find new ways to exploit employees working remotely, those seeking information on COVID-19 vaccines, and improperly secured APIs. In…

Remote learning invites UK university cyberattack, LogRhythm comments

Remote Learning Invites UK University Cyberattack, LogRhythm Comments

“As we continue to normalise remote learning, cybercriminals are simultaneously finetuning their tactics to launch timely, sophisticated ransomware, phishing and social engineering attacks,” Andrew Hollister, head of LogRhythm labs, comments. “The severe and far-reaching impact of May’s Blackbaud ransomware attack is…