
LogRhythm’s platform thwarts threats by analyzing log data

Boulder, Colorado-based security company LogRhythm has developed a software platform that collects, organizes, manages, and analyzes millions to hundreds of millions of pieces of log data…

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The six stages of a cyber attack lifecycle

In response to the shortcomings of prevention-centric security strategies, and the challenges of securing an increasingly complex IT environment, organizations…

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Study user behavior to focus intrusion detection

Organizations have long sought to reduce their data breach detection time and increase their ability to mitigate breaches more quickly…

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Global cybercrime prosecution a patchwork of alliances

One of the biggest issues is that unlike traditional bank robbers, who used to try to escape by driving their getaway cars across the state lines, modern cyber-crooks hide overseas…

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Finding Bad Things on Your Network Using Free Tools

Want to get started on a hunt team and discover the bad things on your network? This episode is for the threat hunter on a budget. Rob McGovern, LogRhythm security expert, and John Strand, of Security Weekly and SANS, showcase…

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Prevent Major Data Breaches with Threat Lifecycle Management

Reduce Time to Detect and Respond to Cyber Threats—Without Adding Resources Download Slide Deck Today’s reality is that organizations will continue to be confronted by increasingly frequent and complex cyber threats A traditional prevention-centric strategy naively assumes all threats can…

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How security approaches are evolving in Southeast Asia and beyond

Bill Smith, senior vice-president of worldwide field operations at LogRhythm, talks to Computer Weekly about the big shift in cyber security…

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4 Easy Ways to Turn Endpoint Data into Actionable Insight

LogRhythm and Carbon Black for Endpoint Protection Download Slide Deck Data-driven security is the future, but alarm fatigue and data overload continue to hold security operations teams back. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to organize and correlate data so…

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20 ways to attract good luck

Check out these quotes from a pile of executives who share their views on how anyone can be luckier…

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Portable Network Forensics Empower Threat Detection and Incident Response

Portable Network Forensics Empower Threat Detection and Incident Response Sera-Brynn is a global “Top 10” cybersecurity audit and advisory firm. Their U.S.-based cybersecurity experts are dedicated to helping clients secure their computing and network environments, and meet applicable (and in…

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Packets Don’t Lie: What’s Really Happening on Your Network?

SANS Reviews LogRhythm NetMon Freemium Download Slide Deck When it comes to detection and response, you need full visibility into what’s traversing your network. In this on-demand webcast, Dave Shackleford, senior SANS analyst, provides a functional review of LogRhythm’s NetMon…

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UK firms struggling to manage cyber threats, survey shows

UK businesses are struggling to detect, prevent and respond to cyber threats, a survey of 2,000 IT professionals from companies of various sizes across 14 industry sectors has revealed…

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Dark Reading

What to watch for with ransomware: 2017 edition

Ransomware will continue to evolve in 2017, bringing new and diverse threats to businesses. What changes are in store?

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Soaring number of computers hijacked for ransom

The FBI said every hour, about 4,000 computers around the world become infected with ransomware. That’s just an estimate…

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Prediction: The internet will shut down for 24 hours next year

It’s December, that time of the year when many industry experts make all sorts of predictions for the year ahead. But one prophecy caught Business Insider’s eye: The whole internet will shut down for 24 hours…

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Interview with Dubai One TV

Mazen Dohaji, MENA Regional Director for LogRhythm, speaks about the impact of cybersecurity attacks on a global level…

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Cheers and jeers for Obama’s hard line against Russian hackers

President Barack Obama on Friday indicated that the United States will retaliate against Russia for hacking emails and other material from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign in an effort to help Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton in…

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IT professionals hold little back in reaction to Yahoo breach

The pioneering search and web services provider, whose home page starts more browser sessions than anybody in the world, revealed Dec. 14 that new security issues had impacted the personal data of more than 1 billion of its users…

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