
LogRhythm Blog

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NetMon: Quick Tips and Use Cases

When attackers are trying to break through your perimeter or are operating within your environment, you need to act quickly. Security intelligence is paramount. The good news is that you can detect most indicators of a threat from within the…

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TalkTalk Customer Data Breached

Last week it was revealed that UK telecommunications company TalkTalk suffered a data breach in 2014, where customer details—such as account numbers, names and addresses—were stolen. The stolen details were then used by scammers to trick people into believing they…

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Simulated Cyber Threat Thwarted at London’s BT Tower

Earlier this week, a simulated cyber terrorist strike took place at London’s BT Tower. The event—part of the UK government-backed Cyber Security Challenge—was designed to mimic a sophisticated cyber-attack and tested the ability of amateur contestants to defend the building’s…

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