
LogRhythm Blog

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Detecting a Phishing Email: 10 Things to Watch

As security professionals, we remain vigilant in identifying phishing attempts and actively seek information on defending against ransomware and phishing attacks. These topics hold paramount importance within the security community. It is well-known that phishing emails frequently serve as the…

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Artificial Intelligence – A Danger to Patient Privacy?

Industries worldwide have integrated artificial intelligence (AI) into their systems as it promotes efficiency, increases productivity, and quickens decision-making. ChatGPT certainly raised eyebrows as it demonstrated similar characteristics at the start of its debut back in November 2022.  The healthcare sector…

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Girl using LogRhythm SIEM

What Comes After Your SIEM Purchase?

Let’s say you recently acquired a security information and event Management (SIEM) solution and now have a new layer of defense in the war against cybercriminals. Check! You’re done right? Not even close. The reality is there is still a LOT more…

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